

CURBING BULLYING AMONG CHILDREN Bullying has been an issue among Children in schools, religious centers, society and public gathering. What made a child to be cruel to others? What do bullies have to gain from inflicting pain on others? No child is born a bully. There must be some factors responsible for that. Bullying are common among both sexes, and it have serious effects on the children such as fear, some of the children may not want to go to school again because of constant bullying at school, some girls can tend to bully others as a result of their beauty, dressing or intelligence and as a result of this they may affect the children psychologically by losing their self-confidence . The essence of this article is to look into factors responsible for bullying, providing causes and solutions to it so that parents, teachers, guardians, instructors can know how to deal with bully responsibly among the children. The  united states national institute of health (centre for disease ...

Be prepared

Preparation is the bedrock of success To fail to prepare is to prepare to fail Success does not happen suddenly It is a process And preparation is the key factor in the success process Do your best to prepare for success and you will laugh at last


If you sleep while others are working When they are resting from their labours you will be working Their is a time and season for everything on earth Time to work Time to rest Rest is only sweet after labour


Success is what you attained Success can be achieved Success is not sudden Success required hard work Success requires patience Success takes time Success is not an accident Success is a reward of sacrifice Success is what all people dream but only few people are willing to pay the price for it Success is good and a succor to a diligent man Success beget success Success is the reward of not giving up to failure. 

Do not just dream

Do not just dream, be inspired Inspiration comes from within Your dream can be stolen but your inspiration can't be stolen Inspiration drives dream Inspiration is divine Inspiration is God's gift to human Inspiration gives birth to idea and innovation Idea rules the world Dream may die if it's not inspired Don't just dream but be inspired

You are not poor

Never tell a man that he is poor What goes round, always come around No man have it all And you don't know the end Man is not God God is not man Never say someone is poor Until you see his end

Do not rest

It is usually said that : do not rest until your good is better and your better is best. But I want to say : Never rest when you are at your best The best of today can be out run tomorrow Life is a race, if you rest on being the best today others can overtake you tomorrow There is no rest in this world until you pass on to the grave Then they will say rest in peace Your best is still not yet your best You can still do better than that To rest is to stagnate And to stagnate is to decay River never stop flowing Likewise keep Improving and working on your best You are not yet there until you give up to the ghost.